“On November 15, 1934, the book Jehovah … on page 182 still expressed belief in a secondary spiritual class, yet expected to come out of Babylon the Great. … Thus this secondary class of spirit-begotten spiritual Israelites was still diverting the attention of the remnant late in 1934 and was taking a place of greater importance than the Jonadabs or earthly ‘other sheep’ class, who were to be marked in their foreheads. (Ezek. 9:4) So these marked ones were not specifically invited to attend the celebration of the Lord’s Supper on Nisan 14, 1935.” (The Watchtower announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom, February 15, 1966, pages 119-120)
“In the congregations of Jehovah’s people larger privileges of service were opened to the members of the Jonadab class or “great multitude” when the Watchtower issue of May 1, 1937, page 130, announced concerning the companies or congregations: “… Let the Jonadabs be placed on the service committee and give them opportunity to serve.” … At the celebration of the Lord’s Supper following the above announcement … the Jonadabs were specifically invited to attend as companions of the remnant on April 15, 1938. – The Watchtower, February 15, 1938, page 50” (The Watchtower announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom, February 15, 1966, page 121)